Brian Vaughn
Software engineer
I build tools that make
engineers more productive
Software engineer
- Working on Citadel X
Engineer, frontend lead
- Replay.io devtools team
- Wrote major DevTools components (console, object inspector, log points panel, source code viewer)
- Wrote major social components (library/dashboard page, reporting, commenting)
- Implemented Suspense-based data loading and cache-management
Staff engineer, tech lead
- React JS core team; Developer Tooling sub-team lead
- Built and maintain the React Developer Tools (with several million weekly active users)
- ReactJS blog author and keynote speaker
Engineer, front end lead
- Front-end lead for Developer Console UI
- Lead rewrite fromAngularJS to React + Redux
Senior engineer
- Google Cloud Platform web console UI
- Contributed to Maps Android Material UI rewrite
Engineer, front end lead
- Lead Recurly front-end rewrite from Ruby on Rails to Angular JS
CTO and founder
- Lead engineer for web and mobile frontends
Engineer, technical lead, Director of engineering
- Director of engineering (2014)
- Frontend lead for Advanced English for Business product (2013)
- Frontend lead for Rosetta Stone mobile Android (2012)
- Senior Engineer R&D "labs" (2010-2011)
- Engineer on Rosetta Stone (CD) and TOTALe (web)
Vital Assets IncWeb developer
- Contract work (PHP, Java, and ActionScript)